Friday, October 22, 2004

Tv-B Gone


Got a mail from Graham Elderson who had spotted a device for turning off just about any television. Called TV-B-Gone ($14.99 US), it's an on-off switch that works on about 1,000 TV models wherever they annoy you.

This brilliant gizmo stores about 200 codes and cycles through them until the offending box goes off.

I'll add that to my list of must haves - rates alongside the mobile phone jammer that I dream of owning.

Mrs Bogs has flown North to visit her father so I'm on the loose for a few days. If you hear a few explosions in your area it just might be Milt and his medication.

I've also been discovered, at long last, by that well known spammer "Major Eduardo Dembo Malange". He's the former aide to the late Jonas Savimbi, leader of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) who was killed by Angolan government troops on 24th Feb. 2002. Diamonds stashed away eh what! Wizard wheeze old chap!

Got about as much chance of getting cash ourt of me as they have of finding those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

