Thursday, October 21, 2004



The sun was shining early on but the sky was black. Managed to get to the tip while it was dry but then the rain hammered down and the dog's walk got cancelled.

Here's a totally useless piece of information for you - Gibraltar covers a total area of 6.5 sq miles, has a total of 29km of road and they have Bikers. How cool is that!

They also have a touring rock band Breed77.

On the spam front I am now being offered, "Stronger,More Explosive Climaxes", "FDA approved pharmaceuticals", "Italian Crafted Rolex Watches", "not expensive high-quality software" whatever that is and an intriguing "did you seen this?". Spoilt for choice there so I binned the lot.

The "explosive climaxes" is a bit worrying. Can they spot them at Customs?

Merl's mailed me a wmv on Presidential voting machines.

